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Location: Trinidad & Tobago

"The world is not what I think, but what I live through." ~ Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Favourite Quotes : "Love"

1. "True love goes beyond flowers and romance, it is more than champagne and candlelight. True love is the arms of one who will always be there no matter how cold the night."

2. "It is only through the eyes of someone we love that we see who we really are."

3. "When we love someone, we see the best of who we are in them, and we are inspired to be even better."

4. "To love me is not to understand everything about me but to want to."

5. "Love is not a protective cage, but the gift of wings that allow another to fly free."

6. "Love is never noisy, obvious, or demanding. It is the gentle whisper of the heart, the soft lullaby of the soul."

7. "If there ne'er were a broken heart, we'd never know the miracle of love's healing power."

8. "Loving sometimes means holding on, and sometimes means letting go. Trust your heart to know the time for each."

9. "The heart that loves is always young."

10. "The most important element of love is trust- trust that you each hold the other's best interests in your heart, and trust in yourself that you can open your life to another without reservation."

11. "Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking together in the same direction."

12. "To truly love someone is to see them as they really are, with all their faults, quirks, and defects, and still see them as perfect expressions of the Divine."

13. "Love is not the touching of two hearts, it is the blending of two lives."  Posted by Hello


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