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"The world is not what I think, but what I live through." ~ Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Inter-Disciplinary Laws 2

Babcock's Law:
If it can be borrowed and it can be broken, you will borrow it and you will break it.

Baer's Quartet:
What's good politics is bad economics; what's bad politics is good economics; what's good economics is bad politics; what's bad economics is good politics.

Bagdikian's Law of Editor's Speeches:
The splendor of an editor's speech and the splendor of his newspaper are inversely related to the distance between the city in which he makes his speech and the city in which he publishes his paper.

Baker's Byroad:
When you are over the hill, you pick up speed.

Baker's Law:
Misery no longer loves company. Nowadays it insists on it.

Baldy's Law:
Some of it plus the rest of it is all of it.

Barber's Laws of Backpacking:

1. The integral of the gravitational potential taken around any loop trail you chose to hike always comes out positive.
2. Any stone in your boot always migrates against the pressure gradient to exactly the point of most pressure.
3. The weight of your pack increases in direct proportion to the amount of food you consume from it. If you run out of food, the pack weight goes on increasing anyway.
4. The number of stones in your boot is directly proportional to the number of hours you have been on the trail.
5. The difficulty of finding any given trail marker is directly proportional to the importance of the consequences of failing to find it.
6. The size of each of the stones in your boot is directly proportional to the number of hours you have been on the trail.
7. The remaining distance to your chosen campsite remains constant as twilight approaches.
8. The net weight of your boots is proportional to the cube of the number of hours you have been on the trail.
9. When you arrive at your chosen campsite, it is full.
10. If you take your boots off, you'll never get them back on again.
11. The local density of mosquitoes is inversely proportional to your remaining repellent.

Barrett's Laws of Driving:

1. You can get ANYWHERE in ten minutes if you go fast enough.
2. Speed bumps are of negligible effect when the vehicle exceeds triple the desired restraining speed.
3. The vehicle in front of you is travelling slower than you are.
4. This lane ends in 500 feet.

Barr's Comment on Domestic Tranquility:
On a beautiful day like this it's hard to believe anyone can be unhappy -- but we'll work on it.

Barth's Distinction:
There are two types of people: those who divide people into two types, and those who don't.

Bartz's Law of Hokey Horsepuckery:
The more ridiculous a belief system, the higher the probability of its success.

Baruch's Rule for Determining Old Age:
Old age is always fifteen years older than I am.

Barzun's Laws of Learning:

1. The simple but difficult arts of paying attention, copying accurately, following an argument, detecting an ambiguity or a false inference, testing guesses by summoning up contrary instances, organizing one's time and one's thought for study -- all these arts -- cannot be taught in the air but only through the difficulties of a defined subject. They cannot be taught in one course or one year, but must be acquired gradually in dozens of connections.

2. The analogy to athletics must be pressed until all recognize that in the exercise of Intellect those who lack the muscles, coordination, and will power can claim no place at the training table, let alone on the playing field.

Forthoffer's Cynical Summary of Barzun's Laws:

1. That which has not yet been taught directly can never be taught directly.
2. If at first you don't succeed, you will never succeed.

=) Hilarious stuff!  Posted by Picasa


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