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"The world is not what I think, but what I live through." ~ Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Friday, August 05, 2005

** Slaying the Witch-king

The chieftain of the Haradrim attacked King Theoden, but Theoden slew him. But then the Lord of the Nazgul descended onto the battlefield mounted on a Fell Beast. A dart pierced Theoden's steed Snowmane, and the King was crushed beneath his horse and later died.

Eowyn - the King's niece, who had ridden to battle disguised as a man - came to Theoden's defense and killed the Fell Beast. The Lord of the Nazgul struck her down with his mace, but the Hobbit Merry Brandybuck stabbed the Nazgul behind the knee with his sword of Westernesse. Eowyn then delivered the final blow, and the Lord of the Nazgul was vanquished.
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