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"The world is not what I think, but what I live through." ~ Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Thursday, July 14, 2005

* Pierce's entry

Journal Entry July 7, 2005

Yesterday morning I was awakened with the news of the London bombings...
My heart ran cold... my Mother, my Father, my children, my friends.
Oh God!
I had just seen them all last week.
Every day was spent with them, one of the most tender of weeks.
And now this.
I called them all.
Our satellite was on the blink. No TV news.

They told me of the confusion and shock, the people walking through the streets,
masses of people who had walked for miles home
through the wounded city.
My family was safe. But what of all the other families?
The slow dawning of people I may have known on that bus, in those tunnels.
A friend of a friend...
Six degrees of separation,
The interconnectedness of our lives. The date, 7/7.
I finally got the TV working
And then the words from our leaders... same old faces, same old words, same CNN
and all the other image makers
And the hollowness of it all as the day ends...
It's when the faith you have kicks in, you hope.
And we must have hope, now more than ever we must turn to our faiths,
and our faith in each other,
and respect of each others faith, and of our differences
however dark the night.

The above was a journal entry by Pierce Brosnan on his site. It was written after the London attack, and I happened to come upon it quite by accident [ Believe it or not, I was on a search for an eyebrow picture for another entry! ]. It was very well written in my view, and full of emotion, so I decided to add it in here.

~ Rads
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