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Location: Trinidad & Tobago

"The world is not what I think, but what I live through." ~ Maurice Merleau-Ponty

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Narrative: Sunset


A beacon to behold, I sit and stare at the masterpiece that is before my eyes. So lovely... so unique... so free... so much like a dream being given Life to BE. Mother Nature's artistry at its resplendent best. An Aurora Borealis to steal my heart and make me wish to forever be a part of this divine creation.

I contemplate the day that passed... moments never to be had again... moments that remain only in the vastness of Time and Memory. I sit and think that Life has only just begun, and yet, so much of it has just passed by. My thoughts, they roam to wherever they will. I control neither their direction nor their purpose. I see my life as it is... as it was... as I wish it to be.... I see Happiness trapped in the colours of the fading day, and I long to reach out and grab for it; lest I never get that Happiness again. I see Sadness float by, and linger. I see Anger, Hate, Hurt and Rejection lurking nearby. I long to erase them from my Sanctuary of Reflection, but yet they hover like carrions over their prey.

I get lost in the colours of Freedom and Perfection before me... A magnificence that fills me with the awe of Creation's potency. Peace...Serenity...Beauty...and yet, a certain Sadness. A painful realisation within my heart for "Good-byes" is never easy. The door opens and fancy is set free. I think that my Destiny lies out there... under this vast sky that will soon cease to be. Conversations reverberate through me. I feel torn: do I follow that Destiny and risk failure and solitude? Or do I charge at it and Hope? For isn't that what it all boils down to in the end?... Hope that the new day will dawn... Hope that the new tomorrow will bring good tidings... Hope that my failures today will be stepping stones to success tomorrow... Hope that all sadness within me will fade away... Hope that my happiness finds me...

Each day a different picture on the etchings of Nature's diversity. But the emotions they never fade. They never cease to come alive. At times, as I feel my spirit soar overhead, I entwine with the rays. I think: "This is me... and at last I am free..." But with the coolness of the wind against my cheek, I fall back to my earthly self... And as if on cue, the tears start to slide down my cheeks. I feel robbed of my Destiny.... Why forever have the Dream if it wasn't meant to be? Why do the Fates so conspire against my very existence? The thoughts abound in profusion. Is this where I truly belong?

© 2004 Radica  Posted by Hello


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